Lots of information and newness to post, so bare with me! First of all, as most of you know I've been thinking for a while to do a name change for my store. We all know
Teagan's SYD Style your destiny :) and as both our stores and brands are growing, I think the very similar names are causing confusion. SYD Style your destiny was here before I came on the market, so i decided to rebrand my store name to... SySy's! Very simple, still reconizable (i hope) to you :) I want to thank
Teagan and
Sasy for helping me out picking this name and I hope you will get used to it soon!
NOW! FOOTBALL! Fan or no fan, European or not, you cannot have missed that the European football/soccer championships are running right now. And me coming from the Netherlands....I AM PROUDDDDDDDD that we yesterday won from worldchampion Italy, with 3-0 :D My friend and guestdesigner Habi and me, decided to give away all football gear packs for free,
so come pick up yours! There's 10 European countries included and each pack contains a hat with flexi flags of your country, a shirt, a belt with footballs & your country's flag and an animated flag to hold and root for your team!
We're not the only ones getting the football fever:
Ewing Fashion Agency did a nice feature on a designers team all Dutch, we made Orange (color for the dutch footbal team!) in a fashionable way.
Tillie Ariantho shot this beautiful picture from us :) The Orange gown i'm wearing is a recolor of my recently released earthgown and is available in
the mainstore now.
From left to right on the photo: Unique Moonsoo, me, Kohana Yiyuan, Gwendolynn Cassini, Tuli Asturias, Indira Bekkers and Javabox Kawanishi.I've made a special orange edition of my sporty plaid set, free for members of my group ;)

A very heartfelt warm thanks goes out to all
RFL Fashion Expo 2008 visitors & organizers, you guys have been donating like crazy! It was a wonderfull event, and i'm happy to know there's so many of you out there doing whatever you can for this cause ;) The auction and expo ended, but I will definately be participating again next year! The RFL vendors with the limited edition items are now available in my mainstore, untill the end of the RFL fundraising campaign.
Last but not least, I'm happy to announce and introduce to you my 5th store location, in the
Cybertopia mall run by a lovely team of dedicated hard working people. The opening is going to be celebrated with a party and ofcourse I will make a special gift again for the occasion. Please feel welcome to come and take a look, or join us tomorrow at the party with the wonderfull tunes of Live DJane Celie Carter at 12 am SLT!
Thats it for now,
<3 SySy