I've sent out a last minute Halloween gift to several groups, if you didnt'got it you can pick it up in my mainstore for a linden :) Its a little witch black dress with hat, which you can also wear without the hat for "normal" use. Hope you enjoy!

Taxi/broomride here :P
Furthermore, the new mainstore is coming along OMG..SOOOOOOOO good! A very dear friend of mine has helped me a great deal and has built me a custom gorgeous and i do mean GORGEOUS building...i'm SO excited about it :) Right now i'm making the place more beautifull, decorating and landscaping. I'm estimating it will be opening within a week ;) And ofcourse that will be with a party!!! Also there'll be new releases which i've been working on before the open-space-drama.
The current mainstore will stay untill at least Dec. 1 and maybe even a little longer, but the new location will be announced soon!
There's more very exciting projects i have in the works, it includes fashionshows, a very exciting feature on slcn.tv, a stunning feature in Captured photography book and fashionshow 12 hour long event and more!
Back to building and landscaping for now (not to meantion change 9038475038945739 vendors with the new LM lol),
<3 SySy