The opening is at 8pm SLT, but since that is 5am in the night for me and I have a RL job to attend two hours later, i'll be sleeping probably ;) So i'm probably not going to be there. The gowns will go on sale that hour, however my own gown WILL be already on sale earlier. When? When i go to bed *LMFAO!* which is between now and 2 hours.
Here's my own contribution for the opening, this gown Fleur Noir will be gone with the wind (insert dramatic voice here) after the ball forever...
*****UPDATE: I'm deeply sorry for the short notice, but I just recieved word that the ball will be postponed!
Due to some unforseen circumstances, the ball will be postponed until further notice.. not cancelled, just pushed back a little.
Love you all..
Ravenlynn & Mesostopheles

I've also released the Marlene gown yesterday, available in 3 colors (each set has all layers, and 2 skirts to choose from, wide and poofy or lean and long, comes with a flexi sculpted backribbon aswell)

These are available in the mainstore right now :)
Hope you all enjoy and attend the grand Masquerade ball tonight for the grand opening of The Grotto! (You might run into me there afterall..since i know i'm an insomniac anyway lol)