Goodevening everybody!
Wow, i've been so busy re-doing my mainstore, and its by far not finished yet. Hoping to have it all done by the end of the week, excuse the chaos right now in the mainstore. Everything is still on sale, aswell as the male wear final sale, which i will be ending when the mainstore is done!
So every now and then I need a break from working, guess what I did? Fishing!! The rage going on right now from 7seas, omg if you haven't tried it yet, its fun :) My twin sis who's crazy like me and made me a GORGEOUS wall texture for in my mainstore,Aphrodite, has a location at her mainstore where you can fish and get all the gear you need. Come and check it out, I'm making an aquarium with my catchings :P
<3, back to work,