As i'm sure many of you have read and/or heard by now,
Rebel Hope and her partners were the victim of the most horrible case of content theft i have experienced in my nearly three years in SL. Many blogs reported on this:
SCD II, and after reading
Caj's blog i decided i wanted to do my own piece as well. Let me show you one of my favorite pieces of Rebel's creations: The Kate dress in fire!

So, what can YOU do you ask to help fighting content theft? ALOT! In this particular case, we all strongly encourage you to go shop in Rebels store to show her some support, plus its a treat to yourself because her items ROCK. I remember Rebel was one of the first stores in SL i shopped at when i was a noob and had enough campingmoney to buy something *lol*. I even met her three years ago, and asked her in all my innocent Noob-ness how to make clothes. LMAO I'm not sure if she remembers this, but she was all friendly pointing me to all kinds of tutorials etc. ;) Anyway, here is a
TAXI to Rebel Hope's store!Here are a few simple things you as the customer can do to help ANY content creator.* REPORT stolen content! If you see something which you reconize is clearly the work of a creator, but being sold by any other idividual (especially when their name show up as a creator!) please do the following: 1. REPORT it to the original creator/designer. 2. REPORT it to LL asap! Many (if not all) designers will be very gratefull if you do so, since you are saving them from possible harm to their business.
* Obviously do NOT buy any content of which you're not sure if its liable. Many of such items are available on, so keep your eyes open and use a healthy mind ;)
Doing these two simple things, would mean ALOT to all of us :)
Now, there's ALOT to be said and at the moment of this writing, there's a lot of planning being done to launch a big campaign on this topic. You will hear LOTS more about this topic. What has happened yesterday affects us ALL.
Blogposts reviewing and related to RH:
Mouse Mimistrobell*
Stacie Pryor*
Samara Barzane*
Ersatz Charisma for Rezzable*
Angie Mornington *
Saffia for Prim Perfect*
Gidge @ Ihearts*
Nevar Lobo Feel free if you have any idea's/contributions/plans to share on how we best can fight content theft to contact me or anyone you see fit! Enough is enough and what happened yesterday was about the final blow for many. Time to stand up and
DO SOMETHING about this!