Here to post my latest releases, of which one is very very special to me!
First off the Free Spirit sets which were released a couple of days ago and i've been a bad blogger so i'm putting them up now ;)
This is the Free Spirit! Each "Free spirit" set has a top on the jacket layer, a pants on both layers and three flexi prim attachements. You can choose to create the wide pants look or a skirt look. Three color combinations are available:

And...*drumrolls* LOL, i recreated my RL wedding gown! This was hard but huge fun to do!!! Like my RL gown, the top has tight drapery and folds around the body, and is finished off with a slightly a-symetrical beading around the waist. The back has a nice row of buttons with white fabric.
This gown comes with several wearing options, i wrote an entire book i mean notecard on how to wear it best (containing some RL photo's of the gown), you can click on the info panel at the vendor to achieve the note with instructions, or its provided in the pack should you buy this gown. Poofy skirt, lean skirts, train, hairrose, armdrapery and lingery with stockings are all included. And its 100% handdrawn :)
Hope you enjoy this one as much as i did making it!

The gown is located on the 2nd floor of
the mainstore ;)
Have a great weekend everyone!
<3 SySy