*warning: long blog with lotsa things* :)
k. Hi everyone! LOL I'm in babbling mode and i gots lots to share with yall so bare with me :D
First, the new releases :) I've made a classic dress called Paris. Paris comes in three pastel soft colors and I'm proud to say i handdrew them from scratch. I handdraw more and more lately, i often use a piece of fabric or a pre made texture to mix in the clothes i draw, but this one is entirely me :D Each set comes with several layers, sculpted belt and collar and gloves. So here's Paris:

I've also put three more L$50 Christmas gowns and dresses under the tree! Fun short sparkly dresses in three colors:

^^ All these are up in the
mainstore :)Then, there's the Vanity Winter Expo, which is having a all weekend Christmas hunt! You're looking for the red baubles in many stores, or outside the stores for free (many new creations btw!) goodies. My own gift is the new Pretty Betty set, laced in black and white. Find it in my store at the
Vanity Expo :)

AND..last but not least, I want to again stress and make everyone aware of the
Stylista Festival, organized by an AWESOME person called RubyStarlight Writer at Best of SL Boulevard. All activities for this event (which include fashionshows, live music performances, parties, auctions with one of a kind designs, surprise gifts and much more) are being held to raise money for the
Make a Wish foundation.
Besides a TON of surprise items you can purchase for 1000L$ (these are donated items by many designers, giftcards, jewelry, gowns etc.)there's also the ten ONE of a kind designs, created by several designers of which the proceeds go 100% to the make a wish foundation. These are ONE of a kind, meaning the highest bidder will own the one and only of that particular piece. My own contribution is up on auction along with the other 9 designs, will show it to you again as you might consider bidding on this:

If that's a little too much for you, feel free to donate in one of the many blue donation jars. Your donations are so much appreciated and needed, for those kids who can use a SMILE on their faces, specially around this time of year huh ;)
SO yeah,
LIMO to Stylista here,
Taxi (yep no limo for my store:P) to my mainstore hereand oh? While i'm at it,
Santa's sled with Rudolph to Black Swan here and just well buy my gown XD ROTFLLLMAO
PHEW! that was long :D Ty for sitting this one out :)
Untill next time, <3