Hi everyone! I'm back from a wonderfull summer vacation and ready to rock n roll lol.
First of all, I'm happy to announce the winners of the first monthly flickr. photocontest ****drumroll****:
1st prize: Bailey Longcloth
2nd prize: Minx Arashi
3rd prize: Jordan Whitt
Congrats ladies, your prizes have been sent and ty for the lovely submissions! A new contest has just started with the theme Autumn ;) Click here for info!
On to the good news: SALE! I'm retiring lots of items and making a fall collection at the moment. So at the right front in my mainstore you'll find the L$99 sale outfits and separates for L$25! WOOOOT! Sale will last a few days only...
By many requests, i've made more colors of the Pul Coll dress, but this version is slightly different. A little more autumny i found :) Three more colors are released and available in the mainstore:

And last but not least, since in SL the Halloween hype is starting already again, I'm having a blooooooody red gown as a L$1 gift up in the mainstore :)

Enjoy everyone, good to be back!
<3, SySy