Sunday, May 18, 2008

Invitation to Instyle grads show & goodies :)

Goodevening! I'm excited as in some hours my Fashion show for the INstyle graduates starts :) 25 of some older, some brandnew and some revamped outfits will be shown by the lovely graduating models for Instyle. Hereby you're all invited to come see this show at the INstyle Fashion Academy.

Secondly, I'd strongly suggest you to take a look at the Vanity sim's German Fashion weeks designers expo, where over 55 designers from Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the USA are showcasing and selling their designs, with many offerings ONLY at this expo! So you might want to hop over and do some serious shopping! You can find S.Y.D by walking to the right area from the landing point ;)

Last but not least, I've made a surprise goodiebox for L$1 in my mainstore, which is containing some nice dresses, tops and some other goodies which i've either retired or never released ;) Might be something you really enjoy! You can pick it up in the mainstore between the relaxing sofa's where my sweet dog Moosje is sleeping ;)

Hope to see you tonight!

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