Tomorrow July 1, operation Squeegee finally opens! The donation drive will be from July 1 till July 15th, where a group of designers, creators, photographers, musicians, poets, bloggers and volunteers have come together to raise as much funds as possible to donate to the National Wildlife Organisation. To help with the relief efforts of the disastrous Oil spill at the Mexican gulf. For all the info on Operation Squeegee, visit the website!
My contribution are the following items (100% will go to NWO):

But! There's more :) Especially for this event, I teamed up with Chandni Khondji from Hopscotch designs, and together we created the Scuba outfits for both Male and Females! Each set comes with: the scuba outfit in all layers, 4 scuba diving poses, a snorkle and flippers! Two colors for the males, two colors for the ladies :)(50% of the proceeds go to the NWO):

These items are all available at the Squeegee sim, opening July 1!