I've been on a lovely summer vacation to France with barely any internet access, so I couldn't keep you updated on what was going on while i was away. But i'm back and there are two awesome events where I'm participating in, with brand new goodies!
My Slink Obsession is running from Aug. 5 till the 22nd so there's still time if you haven't visited yet. This is a brand new monthly event with creators who make items to go with SLink products. Shoes, appliers, nails, stockings, you name it. Best of it all is you get brand new items for 50% off during the event! I've made elegant tie shoes, in 6 colors which you can get only at the SLink west sim at the MSO market. (pictured in gold)

And then ofcourse there's the big Collabor88 3rd anniversary round, themed "Oddesey". This runs from Aug. 8 untill Sept. 6th so still plenty of time. I've made Greek inspired dresses with small ornaments on the neckline in 6 colors.

Taxi to MySlinkObsession
Taxi to C88 birthday bash