It's been a while... but i'm working on a new spring/summer collection!
Right now i'm here to tell you about the brand new launch of Second Life Daily Deals. To read all about the new format and the membership, please touch the shopper registration board which you'll find in my store, or visit the SLDD website :)
Currently, I have a 50% off exclusive offer for you, which is ONLY available today untill midnight! It's the Aphrodite gown in teal, and will vanish after midnight. And best of all? You get it for 50% off if you're a clubmember!

Taxi to mainstore!
Other offers are the Merle dress in blue for 25% discount, the Morgan dress in Mauve for 10% off and the flower wrap top in babyblue/pink on 10% off. Those will stay for the rest of April, untill the new month kicks off with new offerings!
